Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the right answer for many business owners due to its unique blend of flexibility and protection. This is such an important step you need the right LLC attorney by your side. This is your future we’re talking about.
Planning Your LLC
The beginning of your business is the most signficant legal part. This is where you want to get everything right. This is where tested legal experience counts the most.
Choosing a name is an important step in establishing a unique entity for your business.
Management STRUCTURE
LLCs can either be director or member managed. We can help determine what’s right for you.
Liability Protection
Properly structuring your LLC will maximize the protection of your assets and keep your business financially focused.

What We Offer Other Lawyers Don’t
Moore Law takes an approach so customized and thorough you’ll never have to worry about anything. We ask the rights questions, get to know you and your business, and do all the leg work. What you get from us is a completely finished product. Your business. All you have to do is start the engine.
Who Doesn't Like to Know What They're Going to Pay?
Our firm works 100% on a flat fee basis. We have special business startup packages designed with the entrepreneur in mind. That’s our client. That’s who we prefer to work with. Entrepreneurism is the highest calling. It’s the ability to make something out of nothing and make your dreams everyone’s reality.

LLC Attorneys Who Know Business
Our founder, Nathan Moore, isn’t just a lawyer. He’s a businessman. And this law firm isn’t his first business. He has worked inside and outside the legal field. Trade show promotion, e-commerce, business consulting … his experience gives him a unique entrepreneurial perspective. You’re not only getting legal experience with Moore Law, you’re getting business experience.
This is experience you can rely upon. Legal challenges occur in the context of a dynamic and ongoing business environment. Your lawyer should be able to see over the next hill and anticipate the legal needs of your business based on the movements of your actual business.

Your Business Attorney Partner
This is the beginning. The very beginning. We don’t want one-time clients. We want to build a relationship that last for years. We will be with you every step of the way. Growth brings new legal needs: vendor and customer contracts, brand protection in trademark and copyright, trade secret protection, employment handbooks, and compliance with all those pesky and often overlooked government, state, and local regulations.
Our goal is keep you several steps ahead at all times. We never want to see you in court. Part of the Moore Law philosophy is a focus on problem prevention. As your legal partner, we will make sure your business continues to be built on a solid legal foundation. And always done with flat fee transparency.